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China visa exemption
Date : 2019-01-21

Visavietnamsupport always supply best service visa, faster and good price for clients. Please contact: 0989.496.239 - Mrs.Huong for consultant and support.

Nowadays, a lots of country apply policy exemption for some entry situation. China is one of those. In this newspaper, we will find condition to entity China visa exemption.

With huge relationship and close with some country, China can exemption for citizen these country around 15 days, 30 days, 90 days.

 Kết quả hình ảnh cho miễn visa

What resident country come to China don't need visa?

First: According to Bilateral investment treaty between China and another country, citizen of country have a list below with ordinary passport entry to China don't need visa.

- San Marino which china visa exemption, they allowed to stay in 90 days.

- Brunei which china visa exemption, they allowed to stay in 15 days.

- Singapore which china visa exemption, they allowed to stay in 15 days.

- Japan which china visa exemption, they allowed to stay in 15 days.

- Seychelles which china visa exemption, they allowed to stay in 30 days.

- Mauritius which china visa exemption, they allowed to stay in 30 days.

- Bahamas which china visa exemption, they allowed to stay in 30 days.

- Fiji which china visa exemption, they allowed to stay in 30 days.

- Grenada which china visa exemption, they allowed to stay in 30 days.

miễn visa vào trung quốc

Second: Citizen belongs to 51 country have name in list below if bring passport or record valid international, flight ticket (confirm time, number seats) transit around 72 hours to third country will have visa exemption around 72 hours in any Bac Kinh airport, Thuong Hai, Quang Chau, Thanh Do, Trung Khanh, Tham Duong, Dai Lien and Tay An.

- They're 24 countries in Schengen in EU include:  Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.

- 13 EU countries China visa exemption include: Russia, England, Republic of Cyprus, Ireland, Bulgaria, Romaria, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia.

- 6 countries North Ameria china visa exemption include: US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina.

- 6 countries Asia include: Japan, Korea, Singapore, Brunei, Qatar, United Arab Emirates

Third: Citizen abroad keep ordinary passport in countries have name is list below will have visa exemption if citizen join a group tour (more than 5 people) by 1 tourism agency in Hai Nam with approve of tourism agency China to hanoi and stay no longer 15 days.

- Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Norway, Canada, Philippines, Denmark, Korea, Finland, Russia, France, Singapore, Germany, Spain, Indonesia, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, Thailand, England, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Ukraine, Netherland, US.

Vietnamese citizen can have China visa exemption?

- Can see, even 2 country really close so Vietnamese citizen not belongs to any situation can entry in China no need visa in situation include below.

- However, have 1 way you don't lost time and cost to apply China Visa. You can use passport. This passport issue a liciense by The Immigration department of Vietnam for Vietnamese citizen with purpose is travel, business in land border between 2 country.

 Kết quả hình ảnh cho phượng hoàng cổ trấn

- If want to travel in another destination in China like travel in Fenghuang Ancient town, Zhangjiajie, Wuzhen, Lijiang... Regretful Vietnamese citizen still have to get visa. But don't worry apply visa China isn't so hard. If you have a requirement apply visa China, please reference China visa service of Visavietnamsupport - we're bring to you the best service, high quality.

See more

=> China visa service

=> China family visit visa service

=> China work visa service

For more details about procedure apply visa contact:

Limited Liability Company HGTECH

39 An Trach lane, Quoc Tu Giam, Dong Da, Ha Noi

Tel: 0989496239 - 0989496239 (Zalo, Imess)

0911760000 - Mrs. Huong




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