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Instructions for filling India visa application form
Date : 2019-01-18
VISAVIETNAMSUPPORT guides in detail India visa steps. Please contact: 0989.496.239 - Mrs. Huong for quick advice and support.
In order to apply for an India visa on a business trip, the first thing you need to do is understand and fill in the online Indian visa application form correctly. Visavietnamsupport will guide you in detail.
Instructions on how to fill out the Indian visa application form
Step 1. Visit the website:
Step 2. Click on "Regular Visa Application"
Step 3. You fill out the required information in the blank boxes:
- Country you are applying visa from (Country to which you apply)
- Indian Mission (which city you submitted) - Nationality (Nationality)
- Date of Birth (Date of your birth)
- Email ID (Your personal email address)
- Re-enter Email ID (Re-enter your personal email address)
- Expected Date of Arrival (Expected Date of Entry in India)
- Visa Type (Visa type)
- Purpose (Purpose of entry)
- Please enter above text (Enter capcha code)
- Continue (You choose to continue after filling the above items)
Next, you will be moved to the "Applicant Details Form" section where you fill out the details of the individual and passport.
1. Applicant Details (personal information) include:
Kết quả hình ảnh cho Online Visa Application
- Surname (Last name)
- Given Name /(Name and middle name)
- Gender (Gender)
- Town / City of birth (Place of birth)
- Country of birth (Country was born)
- Citizenship / National Id No. (ID number)
- Religion (Religion)
- Visible identification marks (Identification characteristics can be seen immediately)
- Educational Qualification (Education)
- Did you acquire Nationality by birth or by naturalization? (The nationality you choose is the place of your birth or your citizenship)
2. Passport Details (passport information) include:


- Passport Number (Passport Number)
- Place of Issue (Place of Issue)
- Date of Issue (Date of Issue)
- Date of Expiry
- Any other valid Passport / Identity Certificate (IC) held (Apart from the above passport, is there another passport?)
3. Father's details (father's information), mother's details (mother's information), spouse's details (wife/husband information): you fill in this information in the same fields as above, full name, nationality , where you were born, the country of your birth, and if you were single then choose "No" as this will automatically hide.
4.Visa details (visa information)
- Visa type (visa type): this section you choose "tourism" if you plan to make a tourist Indian visa
- Places of visit (places to visit)
- Visa duration: I write the time limit is 3 months
- Number of times in and out: If you plan to go through Nepal or Bangladesh and then return to India, choose 2 times to enter and exit "Double Entry". To be granted a "Double Entry" visa, when applying for an Indian visa you must include a detailed schedule.
- Purpose of visit (purpose of travel)
- Expected Date of journey (expected date)
- Port Arrival in India (port of entry)
- Expected Port of Exit from India (port of exit)
Above are some important items to keep in mind when filling out. In addition, there are a few more items the number of times you have visited India, the countries you've been to in the past 10 years, the name of the sponsor in India and Vietnam ...
Note: The sponsor in India is not required you can enter the hotel name or expected location.
 After completing the online visa application, you upload a scanned copy of your passport and a 3.5 x 3.5 cm photo file printed and submitted at the Embassy.
 India visa file:
- Original passport (valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry into India and at least 2 blank pages);
- 02 photos of 3.5 x 3.5cm (white background, newly taken);
- Indian visa application form (online and printed);
- Photo ID or ID card;
  Good luck !!!

See more:

=> India visa service

=> Detailed instructions on filling out the Chinese visa application form

=> Japan visa service

For more consultant details about visa procedure please contact:

Limited Liability Company HGTECH

39 An Trach 1 lane, Quoc Tu Giam, Dong Da, Hanoi

Tel: 0989496239 - 0911760000 Mrs. Huong




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