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Visavietnamsupport advises on extending the visas to foreigners
Date : 2020-05-27

For foreigners who want to enter Vietnam for the purpose of visiting relatives, a visa is required. When this visa expires, they are required to extend their visiting visa to stay in Vietnam for a while longer. Let's learn about this renewal procedure with Visavietnamsupport.

What is a visitor visa?

Visas are Vietnamese visas with a maximum validity of 12 months. This type of visa is suitable for foreigners who have relatives who are Vietnamese. When a foreigner is using a Vietnam-based visit visa but is about to expire, it is mandatory to carry out the procedures for extending a Vietnam-based visit visa in accordance with the law.

Some common cases of visiting relatives in Vietnam are:

- Foreigner's husband visiting his wife is Vietnamese

- Foreigner's wife visiting her husband is Vietnamese

- A foreigner enters with a Vietnamese parent

- Foreign spouse visiting spouse is also a foreigner but living in Vietnam

Documents need to be prepared to extend the visiting visa

Hồ sơ cần chuẩn bị để gia hạn visa thăm thân cần những gì?

What documents need to prepare to extend the visa to visit relatives?

To extend the visiting visa you need to prepare the following documents:

- Passport of foreigners still valid for at least 6 months.

- An application for visa extension under the NA5 form certified by the commune or ward where the foreigner temporarily resides.

- Certificate of temporary residence of foreigners.

- Personal documents of Vietnamese guarantee for foreigners: Identity card, passport.

- Papers proving the relationship between Vietnamese and foreigners: Birth certificate, marriage certificate, ...

Extension of visas to visit relatives in Vietnam where?

Gia hạn visa thăm thân ở đâu tại Việt Nam

Renewal of relatives visit visa in Vietnam

After completing the visa extension procedure for foreigners in Vietnam, you can go directly to the competent authority to apply. Currently there are 2 agencies that you can apply for visa extension for foreigners that are Immigration Department and Immigration Department of the provincial police of the central city. However, for the normal documents that will be submitted at the Immigration Department, only the difficult cases will be handled at the Immigration Department.

Working time will be from 5 to 7 days, depending on the number of records may also take longer. So if you use the visa extension service for foreigners, you can save time and reduce the cumbersome procedures.

If you are a foreigner or a relative is a foreigner who wants to apply for visa extension in Vietnam, please contact Visavietnamsupport directly at hotline 0989 496 239 for free advice and guidance.

Visavietnamsupport - Address providing professional, reputable visa services

For many people, it is very difficult to understand and follow the visa procedures. Need to prepare what?, What time to submit papers? How to answer for visa interview to get the highest chance of passing? Because of these complex procedures, it is difficult for you to handle them alone without the support of professional visa service providers.

If you are in need of a reputable visa support and visa support address, you definitely cannot ignore Visavietnamsupport. With many years of experience in the travel service industry, we have successfully supported visa applications for millions of customers to Japan, Korea, China, Europe ... we are committed to bringing you good quality, translation. Professional service and the most reasonable price. Please call the hotline 0989 496 239 to get answers to all questions about your visa!


For more information about visa service, please contact:
Address: 42 Phan Van Tri Street - Dong Da - Hanoi
Phone: 0989 496 239 - Mrs. Hương



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