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Most Common Reasons For Failed China Visa Applications
Date : 2019-01-25


Visavietnamsupport delivers the best, fastest and most reasonable visa application services to the customers. Please contact Mrs. Hương via 0989.496.239 for consultance and support.


Some of us might wonder why your china visa is turned down, why you are not eligible for visa application. Visavietnamsupport will show you some most common reasons for failed China visa applications.

Failed China visa applications can be resulted from 1 of these mistakes (all of these mistakes):

Kết quả hình ảnh cho nguyên nhân trượt visa

- Reason 1: An ill-prepared visa application documents: inadequate, sketchy proifile or false information (fake documents, travel schedule not compatible to hotel boooking, flight tickets...)

- Reason 2: You have make some mistakes at your previous application, violated the laws, fighting and arguing with local people or even blacklisted for visa application. If you have failed to apply for a visa before, you will have much lower chance of getting one the next time.

- Reason 3: The Embassy does not charge application fee directly or You might forget to exchange your money to USD when paying the application fee. Your profile is not accepted if you have no receipt of payment.

How to deal with failed China visa application?

Kết quả hình ảnh cho nguyên nhân trượt visa


- Complete your profile:

+ Most of the time the Embassy/ Consolate General turns down one visa application is because the applicant fails to provide complete documents proving the right purpose of the trip. Proof of profession and proof of finance are two most important document, deciding the chance of sucessful visa application.

+ Provide all documents proving you have a stable job and income, binding relationships in Vietnam (marriage, children, valuable assets such as car, land,stock,...) proof of finance such as saving book, ownership certificate of  household, car, land, stock,... 

Note: Even if you have a large amount of money in your bank account but do not have  ownership certificate of any other valuable assets, you might still fail the application since the Embassy might doubt that you're faking some documents.

Benefits of choosing Visavietnamsupport service

Kết quả hình ảnh cho dịch vụ visavietnamsupport
- We offer free and helpful consultance and instructions via phone or meetings in person at our office.
- We help customers complete the documents and hand them to the Embassy for visa process
- Notify customers the results as soon as possible
- If the visa application is sucessful, we will contact customers to come and get it. If they are too far away, we will use deivery service and you'll have them in the meantime
- The cost for our service is competitve and money-saving
- Our motto " We get none until we have things done" brings in trust and creditility
- We have China visas done in a short time, meeting the urgent demands of customers.
 If you have any questions about China visa application, don't hesitate to contact visavietnamsupport.
The service cost might vary depending on time and visa types.  To get updated, please contact Hotline : 0989.496.239 – Ms.Hương for consultance and support.


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Đt: 0243. 7326896 - 0243. 7326897    - Hotline: 0989.496.239 ( Mrs. Hương )




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