Urgent citizen identification card service in Hanoi
For residents of Hanoi, or temporary residence book (KT3) in the districts of Hanoi:
• In case of new issuance of citizenship card:
- Permanent household registration book (household registration book, family household register or collective member's certificate).
- Fulllfill the identity card issuance form.
- Hand-print, take photo or citizen submit portrait photos according to regulations.
♦ In case of changing identity card:
- Application form (CM3 form): Download the application form for ID card
- Permanent household registration book (household registration book, family household registration book or collective member certificate).
- Fullfill the identity card form.
- Hand-print, take photo or citizen submit portrait photos according to regulations.
- Submit your old ID card
- In case of changing ID card due to change of family name, middle name, middle name, date of birth, the decision of the competent agency on the change must be presented.
• In case of re-issuance of citizen identification card:
- Application form (CM3 form) with photo, stamping stamped and certified by Police of ward, commune or township where permanent residence is registered: Download form of application for ID card
- Permanent household registration book (household registration book, household registration book or collective member certificate).
- Fullfill the identity card form.
- Hand-print, take photo or citizen submit portrait photos according to regulations.
• Step 1: Prepare the necessary paperwork.
• Step 2: Present at the Immigration Office in Hanoi.
At present, there are 2 places for ID card issuarance in Hanoi:
Immigration Department - Facility 2:
Location: 2 Phung Hung, Ha Dong District, Hanoi.
For residents with permanent residence and temporary residence in Thanh Xuan district, Thanh Tri district and former Ha Tay province.
Immigration Office - 44 Pham Ngoc Thach, Dong Da
Address: 44 Pham Ngoc Thach, Trung Tu Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi
For residents who have permanent residence and temporary residence in other districts.
For residents who have permanent residence and temporary residence in Nam Tu Liem and Bac Tu Liem can work in both places.
+ From Monday to Saturday (except Sundays and public holidays).
+ Morning: 8am - 11h30.
+ Afternoon: 1h30 - 4h30.
+ Saturday only work in the morning.
• Step 3: Complete the procedure:
- Check the information, sign and write your full name.
- Pay the ID card issuarance fee.
• Step 4: Get your ID card
- Take a photo of the receipt and appointment paper from the Department of Relief Management to VisaVietnamsupport.
- Pay for urgnet identity card service.
- Contact visavietnamsupport to get your ID card.
Working time: 1-2 working days.
Fee: 1.000.000 VND
The above information is procedure to get urgent ID card issuarance service. For full and accurate information, please contact us directly with Visavietnamsupport.
For more details about immigration procedures, please contact:
Tel: 0243. 7326896 - 0243. 7326897 - Hotline: 0989.496.239 (Mrs. Huong)
Email: visa.vn55@gmail.com
Website: http://visavietnamsupport.com/