PANAMA Located on an isthmus, Panama is located in Central America, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, between Colombia and Costa Rica. The country is strategically located at the eastern end of the Strait of Panama, a large continental bridge connecting North and South America. By 1999, Panama controlled the Panama Canal linking the North Atlantic Ocean via the Caribbean Sea to the North Pacific Ocean. This Panama Canal is also the main source of foreign currency revenue of the country
Some general information
Located on an isthmus, Panama is located in Central America, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, between Colombia and Costa Rica. The country is strategically located at the eastern end of the Strait of Panama, a large continental bridge connecting North and South America. By 1999, Panama controlled the Panama Canal linking the North Atlantic Ocean via the Caribbean Sea to the North Pacific Ocean. This Panama Canal is also the main source of foreign currency revenue of the country
Visa procedures to Panama
Towards Vietnam:
Vietnamese nationals entering Panama for tourist purposes are exempted from visa and tourist card - 180-day stay
For foreigners:
- Passport valid> 200 days
- 02 photos 4x6 with white background.
- Confirm working in Vietnam (if not, supplement the tour program in Panama)
- Temporary residence card (if not, a valid Vietnamese visa is needed)
Despite being just over 75,000 square kilometers and having a population of less than four million, Panama is one of the largest financial, banking and commercial centers in the world today.
This is a Spanish-speaking country and consists of seven indigenous ethnic groups in Panama: Emberá, Wounaan, Ngöbe, Buglé, Kuna, Nazo, Bribri.
Panama is a country with dollarized economy so USD is the official currency used in Panama, from paper money to coins. The local currency only has a Balboa (PAB) coin left, which is exactly the same as the US coin.
When should I travel to Panama?
The best time to visit Panama depends on what you plan to do. If you intend to spend most of your time enjoying the sea, go in December or January, when it rains less often and the weather is the best in the year.
Panama has two distinct seasons. The dry season lasts from mid-December to mid-April with an average temperature of 22 ° C - 32 ° C while the rainy season lasts from mid-April to December with high humidity.
How to get to Panama?
There are many flights to Panama, but generally it will take at least 1.2 stops and the average flight time will take 1 day more depending on the airline you choose. You can find out and book flights right through reputable websites such as,
Experiences not to be missed
Coming to Panama, you will be mesmerized by the natural scenery, the museums and beautiful beaches. The first point you should not ignore is Panama City - a great destination. Scattered throughout the city there are neighborhoods with impressive architecture and style of the old Spaniards. In addition, you should visit the Casco Viejo neighborhood - a UNESCO world heritage site. Walking around these ancient buildings is a wonderful time travel through the country's centuries of history. And of course, don't forget to check out the famous canals, which can take a bus from Panama City. At rush hour, you can see the train class waiting in line. You should also experience the moments of scuba diving watching the coral on the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean or watching birds in the lush tropical forests.
Like the cities in Spain, Panama year-round festivals. If you want to get involved, try going to a festival in Panama City or Las Tablas, held every year.
Accommodation and cuisine
Traveling to Panama is very expensive and expensive. If you want to go on a budget trip, you'll pay at least US $ 30.00 to US $ 40.00 per day for one room and three meals. If you are looking for a luxurious place, there is no shortage of boutique hotels and luxury restaurants to choose from. Prices will be higher during the peak season between December to mid April.
Panama's cuisine is heavily influenced by Spanish, American and Caribbean, meals are usually meat, rice with coconut water, locally grown fruits and vegetables.
What gift to buy home?
A busy trade route is a land of diversity brought about by the different ethnic groups living here. These different cultures are most evident on the traditional handicrafts that are sold on the streets - a signature Panama, meaningful souvenirs to send to relatives and friends. friends.
What to prepare before you go?
- Vietnamese citizens entering Panama for tourist purposes are exempt from visa and tourist card.
- Depending on the time of travel, weather, clothes will be prepared. It is best to wear comfortable clothes for day trips and warm clothing that is essential for mountain climbing.
Other things to note
- You can drink water from the tap in Panama.
-Tipping standard in Panama is about 10% of the invoice; This ratio will be small if the cafe is and more in simple places, tipping is not required
- Taxis in Panama do not have meter meters but prices are negotiated between drivers and guests. The funny thing is that for the same distance, if you ride a person, you will have to pay less than three or four people. The more people traveling, the more they have to pay, even though the number of kilometers is still the same. And yet, even if there are already people in the car, if someone else waved to go along the same route, the taxi will stop to welcome guests to come along.
- Perhaps this is one of the very few countries in the world where the city only has street names, not house numbers.
Working time: 8 - 12 days
For details on immigration advice, please contact:
PHONE: 0243.7326.896 (EXT 12/31/32/23) - HOTLINE: 0989.496.239