Adddress : 6b/76 ngõ Thịnh Hào 1 - Đống Đa - Tp Hà Nội | Phone : 0989.496.239
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Hotline : 0989.496.239
Date : 2019-01-23
With a diverse culture, multiple languages ​​and ethnic groups and unique codes of manner, Malaysia is becoming a favorite destination for travelers. Visavietnamsupport provides you with the most useful information about  Malaysia visa application. 

Vietnam is luckily exempt from Malaysia visas with 30-day duration of stay. You just need a passport valid for at least 6 months to enter Malaysia. However, if you want to stay longer than 30 days, you need to apply for a Malaysia visa.

Malaysia visa application:

- 2 photographs of the specified size (3x6cm), taken in the last 6 months, plain background.

- Filled-in Malaysia visa application form.

- Passport, in original (with a minimum validity of six months, at least 3 blank pages)

- Notarized copies of Family registration book, Birth certificate, ID card 

- Curiculum vitae verified by local authority.

- Proof of marital status( married, single or divorced)


Kết quả hình ảnh cho visa malaysia

Additional documents

Malaysia visitor visas:

Kết quả hình ảnh cho visa công tác malaysia

+ Proof of finance: house ownership certificate, saving book/ bank balance with at least 5000$, 

+ Travel document: hotel booking, roundtrip flight tickets

+ Travel schedule: duration of stay, where to visit,...( as much detailed as possible)

+ Travel insurance

Malaysia visa for visiting friends, family and relatives

+ Inviation letter of the inviter in Malaysia. ( stating who is responsible for the trip expenses, verified by local authorities)

+ Proof of relationship between you and the inviter in Malaysia.

+ Information of the inviter: notarized copy of his/her passport 

+ If applicant is under 18 years old, he/she needs to provide original papers signed by parents/guarantor and verified by local authority.

Malaysia student visa

Kết quả hình ảnh cho visa du học malaysia

+ Admission letter of the school/ university in Malaysia

+ Proof of finance (if students are in charge of the expenses)

+ Addtional documents 

Malaysia Business visa

+ Proof of finance: house ownership certificate, saving book, ownership certificate of car, ...

+ Decision to send employee to work overseas

Malaysia labour visa

+ Workplace certificate confirmed by present company

+ Work permit

Some note when traveling to Malaysia

 - Most Malaysians are Muslim, so when entering the church, you must take off your shoes when entering inside.

- Do not touch the statues and paintings.
- In some mosques, people provide towels, coats for visitors. When meeting in person, Malaysians often have the habit of gently touching the palms of the other person, then clasping their hands together in a polite manner.
Nhung dieu cam ky khi den Malaysia hinh anh 2
- Use your right hand when eating, giving or receiving things because it is believed that left hands are not clean.
- Malaysians consider rubbing people's heads and backs is a taboo act. Women are not allowed to shake hands and point their fingers.
- When visiting the palace, visitors are not allowed to wear in yellow because that color coincides the color of the palace.
- Malaysians do not eat pork and drink alcohol according to strict Islamic laws, while Hindus must not eat beef
- Here is an important notice you need to remember: if you want to stay in a homestay, you should call in advance and they do not like it when some one compares  the living standards of their people to other countries. You  should not mention sensitive issues such as politics, religious discrimination ... Gifts for partners in Malaysia are usually pens, notebooks, business cards as well as items having the partner's seals. Alcohol is not recommended.
Kết quả hình ảnh cho quà tặng malaysia
- Ginggit (RM) is Malaysian currency with the exchange rate of 3.5 RM to 1USD. There are 1,5,10,20 và 50 cent in coin and  1,5,10,20, và 100 RM in paper notes. Bank cheques and cards such as American Express, Barclays, Visa, Diners and Mastercard are acceptable at any banks, shopping centers and exchange stalls

Benefits of choosing Visavietnamsupport service

- We offer free and helpful consultance and instructions via phone or meetings in person at our office.
- We help customers complete the documents and hand them to the Embassy for visa process
- Notify customers the results as soon as possible
- If the visa application is sucessful, we will contact customers to come and get it. If they are too far away, we will use deivery service and you'll have them in the meantime
- The cost for our service is competitve and money-saving
- Our motto " We get none until we have things done" brings in trust and creditility
- We have Malaysia visas done in a short time, meeting the urgent demands of customers.
. If you have any questions about Malaysia visa application, don't hesitate to contact visavietnamsupport.
The service cost might vary depending on time and visa types.  To get updated, please contact Hotline : 0989.496.239 – Ms.Hương for consultance and support.



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Đt: 0243. 7326896 - 0243. 7326897    - Hotline: 0989.496.239 ( Mrs. Hương )



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