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Immigration Process in Vietnam
Date : 2020-11-30

In the era of integration, more and more foreign citizens come to Vietnam to live and work, therefore, the immigration process in Vietnam is a matter of concern. Visavietnamsupport would like to provide you with useful information about Vietnam entry visa process

Foreigners and overseas Vietnamese  applying for entry visas to Vietnam  may ask for visa approval from Vietnamese Embassies / Consulates in host countries or at Vietnam's international airports (Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai and Da Nang Airport).

Vietnamese Embassies and Consulates in foreign countries are official diplomatic representatives of  the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Foreigners wishing to visit Vietnam can apply for a visa here.



Kết quả hình ảnh cho visa việt nam

1. Documents for entry visa application at Vietnamese Embassy or Consulate abroad.

- Passport of foreigner must be valid for at least 06 months

- Passport is not torn or has blurred numbers.

- You must have an immigration letter approved by the Immigration Department - Ministry of Public Security of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam allowing you to enter and get a visa at a Vietnamese embassy or consulate abroad (In the letter, the name of the Vietnam Embassy or Consulate abroad must be clearly stated).

This Official Letter is issued by the Immigration Department for individuals guaranteed by one of the following organizations:

+ Relatives in Vietnam

+ A company or an organization in Vietnam for purposes of trading, business, market research ...

+ A travel company for the purpose of visiting Vietnam

Note: This entry document must be faxed by the Immigration Department - Ministry of Public Security to a specific Vietnam Embassy / Consulate abroad.

2. How to apply for entry visas at  VietnamEmbassy / Consulate abroad.

Hình ảnh có liên quan


- Present your passport;

- Presenting an official inmigration letter (printed in a A4-size paper)

- Fill out the form as instructed by Vietnam Embassy / Consulate staff

- Pay the visa fee at the Embassy / Consulate as prescribed, fee for 1-month visa is $ 25 and for 3-month visa is $ 50. (Payment is in Vietnam dong or USD)

Note: At Vietnamese embassies / consulates in foreign countries, foreigners must follow the guidance of staff of Vietnamese diplomatic agencies to carry out visa application procedures .

3. Immigration process at Vietnam's airports and border gates

Cases of visa exemptions

- Citizens of Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Laos Japan, South Korea, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland are exempted from Vietnam visa when they enter Vietnam. The temporary residence duration does not exceed 15 days from the entry date, if the following conditions are met:

+ Having a valid passport issued by a competent authority of the country where the citizen is from, the passport is valid for at least 3 months from the entry date.

+ tickets for round-trip transport or transit to another country

+ Not under any cases of prohibited entry or not yet allowed to  enter a country under the provisions of Vietnamese law.

- If those mentioned above, want to stay more than 15 days and can provide a good reason for staying,  the Vietnamese agencies, organizations and individuals can request the Ministry of Public Security (the Administration Department) Immigration Department) or Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Consular Department, Protocol Department, Department of Foreign Affairs of Ho Chi Minh City), to consider issuing visas and extending temporary esidence in accordance with the purpose of staying

- At the airports r at the international  border gates of Vietnam, foreigners are exempted from Vietnam entry visa procedures at Cabin for foreigners  entering Vietnam. When carrying out the procedures, pay attention to follow the instructions or the specific guidance of immigration officers at the border. Foreigners are free of charge.

For foreigners who is from countries which are not included  in Vietnam visa exemption list.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho visa việt nam


- For foreigners from countries and territories which are not included in Vietnam visa exemption list, a visa or an official immigration letter  is required.

- In case foreigners  already have a Vietnam visa, they will carry out the procedures in the Cabin for foreigners  at Vietnam border gates. Pay attention to follow the instructions or the guidance of immigration officers at the border. Foreigners are free of charge

- For those who have immigration letters, they're required to fill in a Vietnam visa application form, present the immigration letter and passport; and pay the visa application fee. Note: It;s better to pay in USD. At the airport or border gate, officers of Vietnam Immigration Police will give specific instructions.


For more details, please contact:



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