Visavietnamsupport delivers the best, fastest and most reasonable visa application services to the customers. Please contact Mrs. Hương via 0989.496.239 for consultance and support.
The beautiful island of Taiwan is not only known as the Financial hub of Asia but also an attractive tourist destination with breathtaking mountains, stunning beaches, Poetry rivers, lakes, chieng temples, busy markets for visitors to shop at and many other famous attractions that can even satisfy the most fastidious visitors. You need to apply for a Taiwan visa before entering the territory. But you might be wondering: what types of documents are required? Where can you apply?
Visavietnamsupport will help you answer these questions.
Passport, in original (with a minimum validity of six months)
A filled-in visa application.
Proof of Profession (Labour contract , Social and heath insurance, vacation request letter and original copy for comparison.
Proof of Finance: saving book in original and copy
Rountrip flight tickets.
Taiwan travel schedules
Hotel booking
copy of passport and pages with visa stamps
After you have prepared all the above documents, you can go to either Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices in Hanoi (for those who are permanent residents from Hue to the North) or Ho Chi Minh City ( for those who are permanent residents from Da Nang to the South)
Address: Floor 5, HITC 239 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi
Contact number: (04) 3833 5501 – (04) 3833 5505 (dial 128,129,130)
Ho Chi Minh city:
Address: 19E, Flemington, 182 Le Dai Hanh, District 11, Ho Chi Minh city
Contact number: 08-39621745/50
You should hand in your documents in the morning, in case you have to queue in a long line. You usually spend an entire day to get your profile handed in.
There is an anouncement about visa application time on the website of Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices:
Each applicant must get himself/herself a waiting number ticket before 11 pm. The offices will process the profiles handed in before 11pm for the rest of the day.( If you want to hand in profile in the afternoon, you're advised to get a waiting ticket before 11pm and come back in the afternoon)
Time for receiving profiles:
+ Morning: 8.30-12.00
+ Afternoon: 13.30-17.30
- Interviews are usually unecessary. However, in case the Embassy of Taiwan calls you in for an interview, just be relaxed and confident.
- Doulbe check the information on the website of Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices, try to answer clearly and coherently about your profession, residence and some binds in Vietnam that do not allow you to permanently reside in Taiwan and your travel schedules.
It's not hard to apply for Taiwan visitor visa but it will become a problem for busy people who do not have much time to build up a good profile. Instead of wasting your time, money and efforts, please come to our service:
- We offer free and helpful consultance and instructions via phone or meetings in person at our office.
- We help customers complete the documents and hand them to the Embassy for visa process
- Notify customers the results as soon as possible
- If the visa application is sucessful, we will contact customers to come and get it. If they are too far away, we will use deivery service and you'll have them in the meantime
- The cost for our service is competitve and money-saving
- Our motto " We get none until we have things done" brings in trust and creditility
- We have Taiwan visas done in a short time, meeting the urgent demands of customers.
With information about different Thailand visas above, you can definitely choose a suitable visa to enter Taiwan and our services. If you have any questions about Taiwan visa application, don't hesitate to contact visavietnamsupport.
For more details, please contact:
Đt: 0243. 7326896 - 0243. 7326897 - Hotline: 0989.496.239 ( Mrs. Hương )